The Illusion of A Perfect Social Media Life

"What you see on social media is a mirage". Social media is a place to share good pictures, stay connected with your friends, make new connections, etc., Today, social media feeds have become a monetary source of income for many creators.

Therefore, it's completely normal for people to portray their best selves in their social media feeds. Creators, influencers, etc., creates their own world in social media where they decide what to show to their audience. The portrayal of perfect social media life is for their living.

Today's youngsters specifically are obsessed with this aesthetics-filled social media feed because they believe that creators or influencers living their best life and questioning their existing life. Believing someone's life is better than their own. It's the reality of many people from GenZ. Judging someone's life from the curated social media feed is the type of mindset many people are developing nowadays. Humans are more focused on other's social media life that they are forgetting to live their real-life slowly.

Being jealous about someone's life is not something new to the human race. It has been happening for ages. In early times, people tend to do gossiping about other's life with rumored information. Now it's done with the social media profile. There is no big difference between the two circumstances. Believing someone's reality through their created social media feed is similar to the mirage in the desert.

Due to continuous scrolling and perfect social media pictures, our brain tends to create an illusion that social media creators' life is easy without hard work, smart work, etc. Continuous scrolling down allows people to watch and consume other people's lives as if those creators are best friends in your life. Apparently, mental health is at stake due to these actions.

Mental health is the most burning topic in recent times after the sudden increase in social media. The desire to live the perfect life of social media creators leads to anxiety, depression, and various kinds of mental health issues. All comes to one thing in the end - DESIRE. One tends to fall into the trap of a perfect life easily because they want it to instantly, like posting a picture on social media.

"Earth in life is the most beautiful creation than a perfect social media life"

How can you keep your mind away from this so-called perfect social media life? Very simple. Take a break from social media from time to time. Start living your real life more than your social media life. Start creating real moments in your life and learning something new that engages you completely.

Stop comparing your life with "someone's social media feed". Your life's worth is more than that. Pick up a pen or go to the notes app. Start writing your fortunes that already exist in your life. Be content with it. After listing down all the fortunes, write your purpose or dream life and work towards it. Remember to keep your mental health in check from time to time. Your real life is the best!


I am Sasikala. I am a freelancer in Social Media Marketing. I own a brand called "Sparse'n'Jazzy" that provides marketing services to female entrepreneurs.

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IG: @sparsenjazzy


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