Unlearning is the Highest form of Learning

If you really think about it, all the learning we do results from unlearning. We are constantly outgrowing old versions of ourselves, and as we do this, we outgrow old beliefs and values. If we do not unlearn, we will hold ourselves back. 

Unlearning looks different for everyone. To one person, it may be letting go of old expectations you had for yourself. To someone else, it may be letting go of the values and beliefs they were taught in childhood. It may be letting go of old relationships. Letting go is a form of unlearning. 

Often we blame our suffering on the people and environment surrounding us. However, the only person to blame is yourself. If the environment around you is causing you unhappiness, you are not willing to unlearn. Unlearn the habits that make you unhappy, unlearn the beliefs that hold you back, unlearn the stigmas society taught you to believe. The sooner you lean into the process of unlearning, the easier it will be to let go of things stopping you from experiencing this life’s vast possibilities.

We are not meant to carry around the same beliefs, habits, and values for our entire life. The world is made to explore. This includes exploring your mind. Dig deep into why you believe certain things or how you view the world. Is it because you genuinely believe this? Or is it because that is what those surrounding you think? 

Unlearning can feel wrong. It can feel like we are cheating on our past. However, remember this. Where we are rooted is never our fault. However, what plant we decide to become and how much we are willing to grow is entirely up to you. 

You learn who you are by unlearning who they taught you to be.


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