20 Things I wish I knew before turning 20

It's a cliche, I know, but sometimes things really do happen for a reason. No matter how bad they may seem or how much you think the world is against you. Here's the harsh truth, life can suck sometimes. I have only been alive a mere 20 years, and I feel like I’ve learned so much about this crazy world we live in. It would be so much easier if a guide were given to us when we were born about the dos and don'ts of life. BUT since we don't, the best I can do is give you some advice that I wish I knew would have made life just a little bit easier. 

1. No one cares.

I know that sounds harsh, but isn't that actually kind of freeing? Everyone is too hyper focused on what they're doing to notice what you are. Those little things you think people are judging you for, they didn't even see. I promise

2. Stop putting other people's happiness before your own. 

The only person you need to be happy with at the end of the day is yourself, BBY.

3. Never, and I mean, NEVER let someone determine your self-worth.

Them not wanting you is a reflection of their own insecurities. It has nothing to do with you. 

4. Choose peace over Drama

 Sometimes you just gotta bite your tongue and move on. Not everyone is worth your energy. 

5. Say yes to more things.

We only have one life. Live it. 

6. Your body is the least interesting thing about you. 

Your body literally keeps you alive. Stop trying to be at war with it. 

7. Nourish your Brain

Being smart is sexy; it's 2021.

8. Find the little joys. 

Life is hectic. Find the little things that make it slow down for you and make you feel alive. 

9. You don't owe anyone an explanation.

It's your life. If someone isn't adding value to it, leave. 

10. Quality over Quantity. 

Having three amazing friends is better than having 30 shitty ones. 

11. Don't stay with someone who you know is bad for you just because you love them.

This one is tough, and it leaves scars. But it's worth the lesson.

12. Not everyone is meant to be in your life forever.

Some people come into your life just to make a few good memories. Don't take it personally.

13. Don't take life so seriously. 

We're all dying. 

14. Be more present.

Don't get caught up in trying to record everything that happens. I promise being present at the moment is better than a picture from an I-Phone

15. Don't overwork yourself. 

Being busy doesn't determine your self-worth. 

16. Tell people you love them as often as you can.

Tomorrow isn't promised. 

17. Take care of your body.

You only get one. Take good care of her.

18. There's no timeline for life.

There's no rule you have to graduate at a certain time or have kids by a certain age. Live your life at the speed that feels right for YOU.

19. Travel.

Experience all of the unique cultures this world has to offer.

20. Love Yourself.

If there's one thing I learned, it's that you can expect others to love you if you don't love yourself. So don't be your own worst enemy. 


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